Friday, May 23, 2014


Hey friends!  So every Friday here I'm going to be giving you updates on the happenings of the previous week.  It's just an opportunity for me to get a bit more personal and sharey (which is not a word).
Regardless, if you follow me on twitter or instagram (*exaggerated cough if you'd like to you can find me @shewheels *throat clear) then you are probably aware that I went to see HAIM last night, and basically had the time of my life.  I was so close to Este, I could practically feel her bass face.  Also, I nearly cried when they covered XO by Beyonce.  If you are unfamiliar with HAIM (shame on you), then check them out on iTunes.
In other news, I bought a Ninja blender and am quietly waiting in excitement for it to be delivered.  I got the one with the 72oz blender bit and a 40oz food processor.  As a result you can fully expect some recipes featuring this device coming soon; including a chocolate spread that I like to call Almond Bliss!

And to kick off the weekend, I will leave you with this quote I found on tumblr from user c0ntemplations:

"Become friends with people who aren't your age.  
Hang out with people whose first language isn't the same as yours.
Get to know someone who doesn't come from your social class.
This is how you see the world.
This is how you grow."

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