Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Listen to Coldplay's New Album

Friends!  So, every Tuesday here on RENder Me, I'll be reviewing/introducing new music, movies, books or articles that I've recently been exposed to.  This week I  must talk about the new Coldplay album Ghost Stories.
Coldplay is my favorite band so it's appropriate that I start this segment with their music.  Their new album Ghost Stories was released on the 16th, and I've pretty much been listening to it non stop.  If you watch SNL you'll probably remember them playing "Magic" and "A Sky Full of Stars" the episode Andrew Garfield hosted.  I absolutely love these songs, "A Sky Full of Stars" is a perfect song for an impromptu solo dance party in your room, and "Magic" is lovely for walking outside in the early morning.  You'll find that I connect songs to specific moments, and that I have fallen quite in love with the morning. 
Those two songs are obviously wonderful, but my absolute favorite is "Ink", I can listen to it on replay for hours, the instrumental is just so lovely.  "True Love" is heartbreaking, but beautiful; the whole album really fits that description.  My only criticism would be of the painfully long pause at the end of "O".  The song essentially ends, and then there's at least a minute long pause before you get a small addition and then it moves on to the next song.  Every single time, I think "What on earth is wrong with my iPod?"  
Other than that, the album is a massive thumbs up from me, but don't just take my word for it, check it out on iTunes, and let me know what you think.  All opinions are welcome!

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