Monday, April 28, 2014

21 Days // No Sweets

Welcome to RENder me!  I would love to take time to introduce myself, but I really want to keep things brief here, so please do check out the About section for any questions you may have about me.

We're going to start off this blog with our first segment which will be 21 days!  I am a firm believer that one of the big parts of life is to become the very best version of ourselves, and our habits tend to make up a huge part of our character.  So in order to better myself, I have decided to better my habits.

Studies show that it takes 21 days to create a habit, so that's what we will be doing.  Every 21 days I will start a new challenge (that you are more than welcome to join in on #21days) where I will either be ditching an old habit, or creating a new good habit.

This first 21 days I will be going without sweets.  This may not be a problem for everyone, but sweets have become a big problem in my life, a problem that I intend on remedying.

So check back in every Monday to see how I'm fairing on the challenge and to get tips and tricks to help in your own habit building!

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